Accumulation of Carbon Stock through Fodder Crops in Alluvial Soils of Gwalior, MP


The was conducted at the Farm of Environmental sciences, College of Agriculture, RVSKVV, Gwalior during rabi (2017-18). The experiment comprised of two fodder crops and 6 nutrient levels which came up to twelve treatment combinations and laid out in randomized block design with three replications. All agronomic practices were kept normal and uniform in all treatments. Oat + maize + 25 gm urea + 38.125 gm ssp +7.5 kg VC (T6) was found significantly superior for the morphological growth parameters viz., plant height & tillers. The same treatment combination of Oat + maize + 25 gm urea + 38.125 gm ssp +7.5 kg VC (T6) showed significantly superior results in case of green fodder yield as well as dry fodder yield ,carbon stock and carbon dioxide sequestration in soil which may be due to higher biomass. The next best crop and nutrient level was under the treatment combination Oat + maize + 25 gm urea + 37.5 gm SSP +7.5 kg FYM (T10). So for better carbon stock and in turn higher carbon sequestration potential in long duration time can be achieved by the oat fodder crop along with these two nutrient levels in alluvial soils of Gwalior region of Madhya Pradesh