Adaptation of Boston Naming Test in Telugu (BNT-T (60)) Speaking Adolescents


Naming is the process of knowing and retrieval of the label for an object, picture or concept to a word which is the smallest independent unit of language. The present article aims check the naming ability by using Boston Naming Test in Telugu (BNT-T) adolescents in the age range of 10 to 19 years in three groups, which is early adolescence middle and late. Item analysis for Telugu words stimuli in Boston Naming Test was obtained and naming ability was compared between groups with respect to age and gender. In item analysis 91 % was correct and the incorrect responses were “Related Names” and were elicited from early adolescence in the item analysis. One way ANOVA followed by post hoc analysis revealed that the middle and late adolescents performed naming better than early adolescents. Hence naming ability increases with age. In G1 and G3 males performed better than females.