Age Extraversion Anxiety And Marital Status As Factors Of Spiritual Help Seeking Behaviour Of Women In Ibadan Metropolis


This study investigated age, extraversion, anxiety and marital status as factors of spiritual help-seeking behaviour of women in south-western Nigeria. Using purposive and random sampling methods, a total of 350 participants were selected for the study. 179 (51.1%) were single (i.e. never married), 152 (43.4%) were married, 7 (2.0%) were divorced, 4 (1.1%) were widows, while 8 (2.3%) were separated. The mean age was 32.69; minimum age was 17years and maximum age of participants was 57years.Validated scales were used for data collection on the variables of interest in the study. Two hypotheses were tested using univariate analysis of variance. The result indicates the following to be significant: - age (df = 1, F=9.08, p <.05), extraversion (df = 1, F=5.28, p <.05) and Anxiety (df = 1, F = 8.06, p <.05). In other words, more anxious (N=203) people sought for spiritual help than less anxious people (N=147). However, there was no significant interactive influence of age, extraversion and anxiety on spiritual help-seeking behaviour. (p > .05). Marital status had a significant influence on women spiritual helpseeking behaviour (df = 4, F=2.78, p <.05). The findings indicate that these variables have significant influence on help seeking behavior of women and must therefore be given particular attention in the design of therapeutic measures to help the help-seekers.