Client Satisfaction with Maternal and Child Health Services in Primary Health Centers in Ajeromi Ifelodun Local Government Area of Lagos


Background: Maternal and Child Health (MCH) clients that visit PHCs are often low income earners, mostly women, their children, and families are at extraordinary risk of receiving poor or no health care. Not considered a voting constituency, and therefore exercising little leverage over elected officials, specific assurances are necessary to ensure that essential health services are available to MCH target population.

Objective: The study was aimed at determining the level of clients satisfaction with maternal and child health services in Ajeromi Ifelodun local government area of Lagos state.

Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. Using pre-tested interview-administered questionnaires, information was collected from mothers who attended the primary health centers for maternal and child health services. A total of 275 respondents were recruited for the study. The information collected included their socio-demographic characteristics, level of clients satisfaction, areas of satisfaction and dissatisfaction and factors that influence clients satisfaction with maternal and child health services. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 21.

Results: The result showed that about 35.6% of the mothers were between the ages of 25-29, most of them were married and 78.5% of them were self employed. Most of the mothers that attended the primary health center as at the time of the study came in respect to antenatal and immunization service. About 61.1% were satisfied and 28.4% of the respondents were very satisfied with the attitude of the doctor, while 55.6% satisfied and 21.1% of the mothers were satisfied with the attitude of the nurses. Age group, number of children, ethnicity, and attitude of health providers was statistically associated to overall level of satisfaction.

Conclusion: The services offered and enjoyed most includes antenatal, immunization and child welfare. However areas least enjoyed were the referral services and the pharmacy. Majority of the respondents were not satisfied with the waiting time.