Disturbing Psycho-social Trends in Social Media: The Phenomena of Cyber Bullying and Cyber Stalking


The double phenomena of cyber bullying and cyber stalking have received a lot of media and academic attention in recent years, especially after the locker room incident in May 2020 and quite rightly so. The surreptitious nature of this crime, coupled with the fact that it is mostly prevalent in school going children and teenagers in college; usually hushed up by guilty parents and/or siblings, make it difficult to pinpoint the locus of this crime and in fact many embarrassed parents even refuse to recognize it as a crime, debunking it’s seriousness by calling it as “misdirected playfulness” and that “kids will be kids”. This is extremely unfortunate as according to Microsoft’s ‘Global Youth Online Behavior Surveyi’ of 25 countries, India ranked third with 53% of respondents (children aged between 8-17) saying they have been bullied online, behind China (70%) and Singapore (58%). Moreover, these kinds of cyber-crimes finds a high incidence of occurrence mainly in pre-teens and teenagers, both categories of children who while undergoing many hormonal changes and attitude shifts, are also highly stressed because of studies, competitive exams and peer as well as parental pressure. At an age where a chance stray remark or image can irreparably upset an already fragile psychological imbalance, these phenomena simply cannot be ignored