Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Biobased Diapers with Chemically Altered Protein Superabsorbents


An industrial priority is to transition away from the current mostly fossil-based, throwaway, and non-biodegradable sanitary products and towards sustainable, useful alternatives. Evaluation of suggested biobased alternatives' real effects on greenhouse gas emissions is necessary. Using a biodegradable functionalized protein superabsorbent polymer, we assessed the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of biobased newborn diapers, the most often used sanitary product, and compared them to their currently available fossil-based counterparts. Estimated GHG emissions from the production of the biobased components, transportation, and end-of-life combustion of these goods were also considered in the assessment of the diapers. Only a few of the biobased diaper options compared to commercial diapers made of fossil-based materials have lower GHG emissions, research has indicated. Additionally, it was shown that the creation of the bio SAP through chemical alteration of a with 78% of all GHG emissions coming from raw protein, it is the main emitter. With a suggested functionalization agent recycling approach, it was possible to reduce the GHG contribution of the bio SAP production, which resulted in GHG emissions being 13% lower than they would have been had recycling not been done. Overall, we showed that utilising biobased materials, it is possible to produce sanitary articles with reduced and competitive GHG emissions, allowing consumers to continue their current consumption habits while the sanitary business produces disposable products with less environmental impact.