
This study was conducted to investigate the psychological hardiness levels of individual and team sportsmen. 396 (166 Individualand 230 Team) athletes voluntarily participated in the study from different sports branches. There search consists of 3 sub-dimensions; self-dedication (7 questions) and control (7 questions), 21 questions and challenge (7 questions) developed by there searcher and developed by Işık (2016). Psychological Hardiness scale Cronbach Alpha coefficient was .76. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient of this study was .91. When the values of Skewness and Kurtosis were examined to determine whether the data were homo geneously distributed, it was determined that the data were homogeneously distributed. In the analysis of the data, SPSS program was used. In the study, it was examined whether there is a meaning fuldifference between the variables of gender and sport type. According to the results of the study, when the total scores of the athletes' psychological hardiness levels were examined, they were found to have a psychological hardinesss core above the average. When analyzed by gender variable, it was determined that there was no statistically significant difference between the groups. When it is examined according to the sportty pevariable, it is determined that there is a statistically significant difference between the groups. According to this, it is seen that athletes who play sports have higher psychological hardiness than individuals who play sports. Individual athletes should receive psychological skills training to improve their psychological resilience against the intense pressures they will face during competitions, based on these findings.