Giant Cell Reparative Granuloma Presenting as Cheek Swelling: Case Series of Four Patients


Giant cell reparative granuloma is a clinically distinctive intraosseous proliferation most commonly arising in mandible and maxilla. It is classified under fibro inflammatory reactive-reparative lesion. Histopathological features comprise of irregularly distributed multinucleated osteoclast like giant cells in a supporting fibrous stroma along with peripheral osteoid formation and stromal hemorrhage. All the four patients in this study had a characteristic clinicopathological presentation and immunohistochemistry. Differential diagnosis from other giant cell lesions of the bone, especially Giant cell tumor, was pivotal since GCT has a tendency for recurrence and a rare ability to undergo sarcomatous transformation or metastasis. Postoperative follow up of all the patients was unremarkable and there was no recurrence.