Intramuscular haemangiomas in the new born: a report of 2 cases showing physical and plain film radiographic findings with ultrasonographic correlation.


Although intramuscular haemangiomas are relatively common benign soft tissue tumors, the classical appearances on plain film radiographs and ultrasonographic correlation have been scarcely reported, particularly in the new born. Diagnostic criteria on plain radiographs include presence of a lobulated appearance, heterogeneity, speculated areas, calcification and sparing of adjacent bony structures. Color Doppler ultrasound findings include lobulation, serpentine or tubular echo-free spaces, positive Doppler signals (peak arterial Doppler shift exceeding 2 KHz and evidence of vascularity. Whereas MRI and CT provide excellent and more reliable diagnostic information, plain film radiography and Doppler ultrasound, jointly provide an atraumatic, easy, cheap and available means of diagnosis with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Furthermore, since ultrasound can be performed on a first clinic visit, the success can be reassuring to the family, and obviate the need for more expensive crosssectional imaging or biopsy requiring anaesthesia, both of which may be difficult when dealing with a newborn. We report 2 cases involving 2 and 4 month old female babies with intramuscular haemangioma of the lateral abdominis and upper extremity respectively.