Inventory for Social Network Addiction


Introduction: This study aims to identify the prevalence and factors associated with usage and dependence of social network among adolescents and to develop and validate an inventory to measure social network usage and addiction. Social networking sites offer users near complete control over self-presentations, making these sites a useful venue for the deployment of strategic interpersonal behavior that the users use to construct and maintain carefully considered selfimage.
Methodology: Quantitative descriptive design was used to identify the usage and dependence of social network among adolescents, to identify the Narcissism among adolescents using social network, to determine the association of usage of social network among the adolescents with their selected demographic variables (Gender, Socio-Economic Status and Residence) and to assess the relationship between social network usage and Narcissism among the adolescents, since the quantitative descriptive design aided in attaining first-hand information and enhanced obtaining accurate and meaningful information data. Simple random sampling technique was used to collect data from adolescents who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Data was collected using self-structured inventory for social network usage and narcissistic personality inventory. The tool was validated by 9 experts. Reliability of the tool was established by using karlpearson’s correlation coefficient (“r”=0.94). Pilot study was conducted on 12 adolescents studying in 11th and 12th standards at Caset Experimental Higher Secondary School, Srinagar, Kashmir. The main study was conducted on 120 adolescents studying in 11th and 12th standards at Caset Experimental Higher Secondary School, Srinagar and Kashmir from 17/08/2017 to 17/09/2017. Ethical clearance was obtained and study was found ethically exempted. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The result of the study revealed that that maximum number of subjects 75.0% were non-dependent users, 20.8% subjects were dependent users and 4.2% subjects were non users. Also, maximum number of subjects 61.7% had medium Narcissism, 24.2% subjects had high Narcissism and 14.2% had low Narcissism.
The findings of the present study showed that there was significant correlation between usage of social network and Narcissism scores (r=0.207, P=0.023). The findings of the study concluded that there was relationship between usage of social network and Narcissism implying that social network usage increases the Narcissism.
Further, there was no significant association of usage of social network with gender and socio economic status whereas as significant association was found with residence. Also, no significant association was found between Narcissism and selected demographic variables such as gender, socio economic status and residence.
Conclusion: The findings of the study concluded that majority of the subjects were non-dependent social network users with medium Narcissism. Also, there was significant correlation between usage of social network and Narcissism scores implying that increased social network usage increases the Narcissism.
Implication: Identifying the relationship between social network usage and Narcissism will help to enhance knowledge among adolescents regarding ill effects from excessive use of social networking.