Massachusetts community health In COVID-19 by Health system


For low-income and uninsured people, Community Health Centers are an essential source of medical treatment [1]. In order to include the people they serve in COVID-19 testing during the pandemic, CHCs have taken advantage of their infrastructure and position as a reliable provider of care [2]. Methods we created a study of community-engaged COVID-19 testing expansion to quickly disseminate efficient implementation strategies, accelerate COVID-19 testing, and address key barriers to testing participation in communities at increased risk for COVID19 [3]. To directly address the effects that COVID-19 has had on historically marginalised populations in Massachusetts [4]. In order to promote community outreach, communication and science translation procedures must be developed [5]. We compare the overall and among individuals classified as members of high-risk groups served by intervention CHCs in Massachusetts to six matched control CHCs using a controlled interrupted time series design [6]. We next utilise a stepped wedge design to pilot test different CHC outreach tactics [7]. Conclusions Here, we provide a community-based approach to accelerating COVID-19 testing in historically underserved groups, which gives CHCs continuous support for satisfying testing requirements in their local communities [8]. The project adheres to the fundamentals of community-engaged research, such as sharing leadership, providing sufficient resources for community partners, and being adaptable enough to address changing requirements over time [9].