Note on The Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis Muscle of the Foot Belong To First Layer or Third Layer


The plantar area of the foot is known as very complicated in terms of muscle layers. The first layer’s muscle, abductor digiti minimi and the third layer’s muscle, flexor digiti minimi brevis are so familiar and located closer to eachother. According to anatomical aspect; abductor digiti minimi muscle lies on the flexor digitimi minimi brevis but in the case that we work on, flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle lies on the abductor digiti minimi. The reasons may followed as; the function of the lateral plantar side, genetic and environmental conditions as well.

The Defining the plantar side of the foot muscles can be difficult for the dissectors, students or someones who try to learn anatomy. That is why the plantar muscles subdivided into 4 layers and all these layers evaluated in their nature. Plantar aspect of the foot contains so many branches of arteries, nerves and veins and one has to be careful about the applications for this area. The muscles of this area may have the variations so the structures told as variants are important for the clinical operations for the surgeons especially. In the lateral plantar side of the foot consists of the abductor and flexor muscles. As specified; ther abducts and flexes the toe. Abductor digiti minimi muscle is originated from the calcaneal tuberosity and intermuscular septum and is inserted into the base of fifth metatarsal bone. It has the important relation with the flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle that is located under.