Oral Health Changes during Early Phase of Orthodontic Treatment


Purpose: Aim of this study was to assess the influence of fixed orthodontic appliance on S. Mutans and S. sobrinus counts in orthodontic patients with regard to their previous Decayed, Missing and Filled surface Index (DMFT) during first twelve weeks of the orthodontic treatment. Material and Methods: 22 patients who satisfied inclusion criteria: healthy systemic and periodontal condition, avoidance of antibiotic therapy and antiseptic mouthwashes in the past three months was included. All clinical measurements took place prior to fixed orthodontic appliance placement and twelve weeks after placement of fixed orthodontic appliance in the following order 1) stimulated saliva flow (SS) 2) OHI-s index and 3) DMFT. Polymerase chain method (PCR) was used to detect presence of S. Mutans and S. sobrinus at T1 and T2. Results: T-test showed significant increase in DMFT index and SS between T1 and T2. Results also indicated significant improvement in OHI-S index. By use of PCR method S. Mutans was detected in 2 patients at T1 interval. At interval T2 two more patients had S. Mutans, but increase was not significant. With same method S. sobrinus was detected only in two patients at T2 interval. Conclusion: Fixed orthodontic appliances have induced changes in caries microflora even in the presence of enhanced oral hygiene habits although these.