Recurrent Small Bowel Obstruction in a Virgin Abdomen: A Rare Sight and Review of Current Practices
/ŶƚƌŽĚƵÄƟŽŶ͗ Arterio Venous Fistulas (AVFs) may be radiocephalic, brachiocephalic or brachiobasilic, however a radio-cephalic access is preferred for ƉĂtiÄžnÆšÆ with end stage renal disease requiring haemodialysis. ŌĞƌ their cƌĞĂtiŽnÍ• the minimum timÄž for AVF mĂƚƵƌĂtiŽn is around two months. Primary AVF failure is ĚĞĮnĞĚ as an AV Ä®ÆƚƵůĂ that is never usable or fails within the ĮƌÆÆš three months of its use. There are several ŽbÆĞƌvÄ‚tiŽnÆ that indicate the role of ÅnŇĂmmÄ‚tiŽn in failure of AVF. Elevated CRP has been observed to be associated with early Ä®ÆƚƵůĂ failure and our study purported to correlate the same. Methodology: In this pilot study, 50 ƉĂtiÄžnÆšÆ of end stage renal disease (ESRD) over 18 years of age, ĂŌĞƌ ĨƵůĮůůÅnÅ inclusion and exclusion criteria, underwent the cƌĞĂtiŽn of a radio-cephalic AVF. All ƉĂtiÄžnÆšÆ had ƉƌĞͲŽƉĞƌĂtivÄž values of CRP, haemoglobin and albumin ÄžÆtimĂƚĞĚ͕ which were repeated again on ƉŽÆƚͲŽƉĞƌĂtivÄž day 2. All ƉĂtiÄžnÆšÆ were followed for three months to assess for primary failure of Ä®ÆƚƵůĂ͘ Results: Out of the 50 ƉĂtiÄžnÆšÆ included in the study, six ƉĂtiÄžnÆšÆ were lost to follow up. The mean age of the ƉĂtiÄžnÆšÆ was 41.48 ±13.46 years. 31.8% (14 ƉĂtiÄžnÆšÆÍ¿ developed primary failure of the AVF. No ÆÅÅnÅÄ®cÄ‚nÆš cŽƌƌĞůĂtiŽn was ÅĚĞntiĮĞĚ between primary failure of AVF and the ƉƌĞͲŽƉĞƌĂtivÄž hemoglobin and albumin levels. While a ƉƌĞͲŽƉĞƌĂtivÄž CRP level<1 mg/dl did not show a ÆÅÅnÅÄ®cÄ‚nÆš cŽƌƌĞůĂtiŽn with failure of AVF, 71.4% of failed Ä®ÆÆšÆµÅ¯Ä‚Æ showed CRP levels> 5.4 mg/dl (p=0.025, Sn: 71.43%, Sp: 66.7%). Number of dialysis per week through other sites, and cŽmŽƌbÅÄšÅtiÄžÆ like hypertension and diabetes mellitus did not show any ÆÅÅnÅÄ®cÄ‚nÆš Ä‚ÆÆŽcÅÄ‚tiŽn with primary failure of AVF.