Rehabilitation of Adult CI-Users: Outcome of Speech Understanding Determined of Age and Duration of the Deafness


Cochlear implants (CI) have proven to be a highly eوٴectLve treatment for severe hearing loss or deafness. Inpatient rehabilitation therapy is frequently discussed as a means to increase the speech perception abilities achieved by CI. However, thus far there exists no quantitative evaluation of the eوٴect of these therapies. Нe aim of this study [1] was to measure patients’ beneÙ½ts from an inpatient rehabilitation program in dependency of duration of deafness, CI experience and age. Regrettably there exists no comparable study regarding beneÙ½ts of an outpatient rehabilitation program in Germany, For this purpose, we retrospectively analyzed data from 1355 CI users who had been treated in the MEDIAN Klinik am Kaiserberg, a rehabilitation clinic specializing in the treatment of hearing impairments, vertigo, tinnitus and cochlear implants, in Bad Nauheim, Germany, between 2007 and 2013. Нe therapy concept comprises admission and discharge hearing tests, Ù½ne tuning of speech processors, individual audio therapy, group therapy, individual computer-based training of hearing abilities, communication skills group training, technical counseling as well as a sports and relaxation program. Нe MEDIAN Klinik am Kaiserberg solely oوٴers inpatient rehabilitation programs.