Rent Assessment in the System of “Smart Regulation” Rare Earth Business



Russian deposits are quite comparable level of rent in respect of the mastered foreign sources of raw REE. This confirms the necessity of activation of works on extraction and processing of ores. Deposits are highly profitable rare for modern business. Further improvement and increasing the efficiency of Russian rare earth business it is advisable to take into account the opportunities of application of system “smart regulation”. The core of this system is a complex and systematic regulatory impact assessment, which involves the integration of all stakeholders in the process of making and implementing decisions on state regulation in order to achieve maximum economic and social benefits in the implementation of state intervention at all levels of government. The increased demand for Rare Earth Metals (RE?) due to the active development of the industries which end users of these products. It is known that about 20-30% of final consumption of REE falls on state-controlled military and space industry, where rare earth elements are positioned in the structure of construction materials, optical and electronic equipment. Sharp price changes on the world market over the past few years, the increasing demand in high-tech industries for specified products and monopolization of export deliveries of Chinese manufacturers REE formed 4-7% of their deficit on the market. This deficit is expected to continue in the coming 2-3 years, and on some elements, as shown by the preliminary analysis of a conjuncture of the world market, can be significant, even crucial.