Unusual case of a superficial radial artery


While browsing through a metal storage container with prosected specimens, an upper limb with a rare variant of the course of the radial artery was observed. The radial artery ran superficial to the tendons of the abductor pollicislongus and extensor pollicisbrevis and longus forming the anatomical snuff box, instead of underneath (deep to) the tendons.

This variation is described 19 times but has never been documented by photography. The radial artery gave off a medial branch (at the distal one quarter of the forearm) which passed over the carpal ligament to continue as the lateral palmar digital artery of the thumb. The median artery, branching off the common interosseus artery, accompanied the median nerve in the forearm and joined the radialisindicis artery in the palm of the hand. No variations of the arteries proximal to the elbow joint were observed