Why Soft Drinks are Bad for Our Teeth?


Dental decay can happen due to improper oral hygiene, high sugar intake, and soft drinks intake. Soft drinks can have both sugar and acids that can damage dental enamel. Soft drinks will etch enamel away by acid and/or chelation without bacterial effect. This erosion can in turns result in demineralization of tooth surface. Many studies found relationship between the acidic food and the development of dental erosion. A study found a relationship between acid intakes, low buffered saliva, using hard toothbrush and dental erosion progression over six years period. Soft drinks are the most common source of acids that have higher cariogenic effect than milk and sugar. There is no clear relation whether regular soft drinks have more erosive effect than diet ones. Sugar free soft drinks can be more erosive than sugared soft drinks. Another study found that diet soft drinks have less erosive effect than sugared soft drinks.